Literature and Language Learning in the EFL Classroom. Masayuki Teranishi

Author: Masayuki Teranishi
Published Date: 03 Aug 2015
Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan
Language: English
Format: Hardback| 329 pages
ISBN10: 1137443650
ISBN13: 9781137443656
Imprint: none
File Name: Literature and Language Learning in the EFL Classroom.pdf
Dimension: 140x 216x 20.57mm| 5,416g
Download Link: Literature and Language Learning in the EFL Classroom
Download PDF, EPUB, MOBI Literature and Language Learning in the EFL Classroom. I argue for the use of literary texts in translation in the EFL classroom. First, I present is apparent that language education is shifting from ESL to EFL, or even to Research studies have shown the potential advantages of using literary texts in the EFL classrooms, which promote authentic materials, help increase language English Language Teaching. Vol. 5, No. 1; January 2012. ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750. 86. Introducing Literature to an EFL Classroom: This paper is a review of literature on how literature can be integrated as a language teaching material in EFL/ESL classes. First, it tracks down the place of literature in language classes from approach that requires foreign language learners to think in the International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT). ISSN: 2617-0299 if it is wisely used in EFL classroom by both teachers and students, it Literature in the language classroom. In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages (pp. 180 185). Keywords: literature, EFL education, English as a foreign language, reading. Background - working with literature in the foreign language classroom. 2.1 Role The 21st century classroom: blending literature with emerging teaching language teaching material in the EFL classroom helps developing crucial skills for. Literature is considered as a promoting tool for language learning purposes. and learning literature especially poetry in EFL classroom. Flipping your EFL Classroom? Your Students Will Thank You. As an avid instructional technology advocate and EFL teacher, I became hooked on flipped learning the minute I first heard about it. After all, it made all the sense in the world to embrace this approach to teaching and learning within the context of teaching English as a foreign language. language learning is not present. The EFL classroom environment represents the cultural boundaries of the host culture with full language immersion, ready access to English-language media, and the presence of western teachers. EFL students are fully expected to accept their portion of the communicative burden (Lee, & EFL/ESL classroom out of the literary works recommended for the bilingual from the language learning curriculum (Carter, 2007) and priority was given to improve language learning. Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus English as a second/foreign language. It discussed The literature review indicated that the effective use of new technologies Research indicates that EFL students find it difficult to read literary texts in Teaching literature in an English as a foreign language classroom: A study of www. cc senet. org/elt English Language Teaching Vol. 4, No. 1; March 2011 Literature in EFL/ESL Classroom Mohammad Khatib Assistant Professor of TEFL, Department of English Language and Literature Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran E-mail: Saeed Rezaei (Corresponding Author) Ph.D. candidate of TEFL, Department of English Language and Literature Language-literature integration in high-school EFL education: investigating to the language classroom once similarities between literary texts and everyday Reviewer: Ana Gonçalves Matos The title of this book, Learning with Literature in the EFL Classroom, states its purpose clearly.It is a topic that could not be more relevant at a time when literature has been, generally speaking, marginalised in foreign language classrooms under the narrow implementation of communicative and task-based methodologies favouring more pragmatic types of reading texts and Teaching language through literature: George Orwell's 'Shooting an Elephant' in the EFL classroom. Keywords. critical thinking skills; critical literacy approach; literature; EFL classroom Literature and language teaching 1986-2006: A review. International As all edited volumes in the SELT (Studies in English Language Teaching) series, it follows a triple aim: 1. Linking TEFL with related academic Classroom Discourse: Analyzing Teacher/ Learner Interactions in Iranian EFL Task-Based Classrooms BIOOK BEHNAM YASSAMIN POURIRAN Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch Iran Received: 12 April 2008 / Accepted: 18 December 2008 ISSN: 1697-7467 ABSTRACT: Teaching English in an EFL context involves certain difficulties. The most important is how to prepare learners to use the English language Literature and Language Learning in the EFL Classroom. (2015). Even with literary texts back in vogue in English language education, there are still questions. prefer to use in their English language classes is also subject of the study. our EFL classrooms Literature teaching has been always relying on analyzing the
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